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Heidelberg Materials invests in GeZero project at Geseke plant

Heidelberg Materials has begun work on the GeZero project at its Milke plant in Geseke. The €500 million project will implement carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to prevent the release of CO₂, instead capturing and storing it under the North Sea. According to the Westfälische Rundschau, the project has secured €191m in funding from the EU, with Heidelberg Materials covering the remaining amount. The company anticipates completing the plant conversion by 2029, with interim CO₂ transport via rail and potential future pipeline connections. According to the company, around 700,000t/yr of CO₂ is currently produced by the plant.Bottom of Form

There had been potential changes in project partnerships due to the sale of BASF subsidiary Wintershall Dea, which was to provide the transport and storage solutions, to Harbour Energy. However, plant manager Steffen Gajewski expects that planning for the conversion of the plant will be completed in 2025, when the new oxyfuel kilns to capture the CO₂ will be ordered and installed.