New regulations effective from 1 September 2024 require all state-funded building projects in Ireland – including roads, schools, and hospitals – to use low-carbon cement. The directive prohibits the use of CEM I cement, mandating a minimum of 30% replacement of clinker with low-carbon alternatives for public projects.
Cementi Tojik announced the closure of the 1.1Mt/yr Dushanbe cement plant and its disbandment as a company on 26 December 2023. Asia-PLUS News has reported the reason for the company’s departure from the industry as a government regulation issued in mid-2023, which ordered the closure of the plant due to ‘serious’ emissions violations.
The European Parliament voted in favour of multiple amendments to the European Commission’s Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) on 22 November 2023. The amendments remove, modify or make non-binding the PPWR’s 2040 reuse targets. Meanwhile, 2030 targets were made adjustable to recycling rates. Total packaging volumes are still required to drop by 5% by
Hungary: The government has enacted an ‘architecture law’ which will increase its role in decision making within the Hungarian cement industry. When it enters force in July 2023, the law will let the government set producers’ cement volumes and prices. It will also require the companies to sell their products to the market-leading retail network, and